Let’s keep in touch!
Did you attend Rust Belt to Artist Belt III?
Would you like to stay in contact with other attendees? Maybe you want to get in touch with interesting people from the conference, but didn’t grab every single person’s business card. Maybe you are about to start a new project and think the kind of creatives who were at RBABIII are exactly who you need to be working with. Or maybe you are wondering what kinds of projects fellow attendees are already working on.
You are not alone!
Send a quick e-mail to info@rustbelttoartistbelt.com and be sure to put “opt-in” in the subject line to be added to our growing list, which will be shared with other interested attendees.
This does not automatically sign you up for the DC3 newsletter! If you want to do that, you do so here.
We look forward to hearing from you!
-Katherine Maurer