Steve Coy
Artist – Hygienic Dress League
Panelist – 9:00 am, Thursday, April 7th – Proving Ground: Experiments in and with the Public Realm
Steve Coy earned a BFA from the University of Michigan (2001) in graphic design with minors in photography and sculpture. His MFA degree (2007) from the University of Hawaii is where his work progressed into video and installation. Coy works in many mediums ranging from video, installation, street art, performance, new media, electronics and alternative energy, design, and photography; often in various combinations. His work is concept driven and he is interested in the intersection between technology and art. Materials are selected for execution based upon relevance. Coy’s work is often inspired by commercialism, corporatism, pop-culture, identity, and fashion. Questions of value and social status often arise through these topics. He currently lives and works in Detroit, Michigan, with a studio space in Eastern Market. He has displayed work in Beijing, Sydney, Melbourne, Berlin, Art Basel Miami, and recently completed a residency at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. His work has also been featured in The Economist, Italian Vanity Fair, and most recently Russian Maxim. Coy often works collaboratively and in the public realm, engaging unsuspecting audiences with his large installations.