Christine Outram
Researcher – Senseable City Lab MIT
Panelist – 4:00pm, Wednesday, April 6th – Lab Culture: Hands on Think Tanks for Cities –
Christine Outram’s practice and research focuses on tackling problems of sustainability and livability in urban areas through harnessing the power of emerging technologies and distributed computing (GPS, cell-phones, sensor systems etc).
She runs her own practice (based in Los Angeles) and is also a Research Associate at MIT’s SENSEable City Lab. Currently, she is orchestrating the project ‘The Copenhagen Wheel’ – a wheel that turns ordinary bikes into electric hybrids with regeneration and real-time environmental sensing capabilities and where the aim is to make cycling more pleasurable and get more people on bikes. This work debuted at the COP15 United Nations Climate Conference during December 2009 and it is currently in the final prototyping/commercialization phase.
Prior to Christine’s role at SENSEable City Lab, she received her SMArchS Architecture and Urbanism degree at MIT and her Masters of Architecture degree in Sydney, Australia. She has practiced in both architectural and urban design offices