Arts-Based Community Development Convening
Transforming Post-Industrial Cities through Art and Innovation
April 12 through 14, 2012 - St. Louis

Arlene Goldbard

Richmond, California


Arlene Goldbard is a writer, speaker, consultant and cultural activist whose focus is the intersection of culture, politics and spirituality. Her blog and other writings may be downloaded from her Web site: She was born in New York and grew up near San Francisco. Her most recent book, New Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development was published by New Village Press in November 2006. She is also co-author of Community, Culture and Globalization, an international anthology published by the Rockefeller Foundation, Crossroads: Reflections on the Politics of Culture, and author of Clarity, a novel. Her essays have been published in In Motion Magazine, Art in America, Theatre, Tikkun, and many other journals. She has addressed many academic and community audiences in the U.S. and Europe, on topics ranging from the ethics of community arts practice to the development of integral organizations. She has provided advice and counsel to hundreds of community-based organizations, independent media groups, and public and private funders and policymakers including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Independent Television Service, Appalshop and dozens of others. She is currently writing a new book on art’s public purpose. She serves as President of the Board of Directors of The Shalom Center.

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Ethics of Community Arts Practice

Day 2 / Apr, 13 @ 2:45 pm
1st Floor : Regency Room

Participatory arts practice always generates ethical challenges:  How to balance the commitment to a funder or sponsoring organization with commitments to community participants? Is the community artist’s role to channel others’ creativity without intruding, or should the artist’s own aesthetics, values, and priorities be part of the mix? How do you handle censorship, conflict, disruption?  Through this workshop, participants discover their own values and ethical commitments, equipping themselves to anticipate and head off conflicts, and finding mutual, respectful solutions when they do arise. We’ll learn how to anticipate and navigate ethical challenges, then pick some examples to work through together.

The World We Make: Envisioning Art at The Center – Arlene Goldbard

Day 2 / Apr, 13 @ 9:00 am
Top Floor : Starlight Room

The World We Make: Envisioning Art at The Center

How would our world be transformed if we succeed? A visit to a future we are working to create.